jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017

Factors Affecting teacher's use of the ict



we can use the ict for everyting, to get information or save it.

Theory of planned behaviour

attitud ↘↘↘
norm ---------------> intention------------>behaviour

* Educational expierence*

Bauer & Kenton

They made a study about technology integration inthe schools

Level of an accesibility of the ICT infrastructure

Albirini (2006)
Results: 57% had computer at home & 33% had acces to computers at home.

 Mumtaz (2000)

Lack of time, is the excuse of not use computers
82% agreed.

 Available support to computer using teacher in the work place

The NCATE 1997 report the lack of technical suport as one of the majior barrirs

School Culture

It is defined as the basics assumtions, norms & values, and cultural artifacts that are shared bys school members.

Computers Attributes

Relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, observability.

The level & Quality of Training for Teachers

professional developement has a significant influence on how well ICT is embraced in the classroom.

Attitude towards computer

Has a possitive influence on the innovative use of ITC by the teacher.

Computer Competence

Teachers Lack of Knowladge & skills was the second most inhibiting obstacle to the use of computers in schools.

Effective Trainning Program

Having a recognition system for innovate and effective use of ITC integration on schools will motivate teachers to use ICT in teaching.

Models for Integrating Technology into Teacher Trainnig Programs

In order for technology to be effectively incorporated into teacher preparation programs teaches should complete a well-planed sequence of courses and experinces.

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